Refund Policy
Pursuant to the provisions of the Fair Play Terms and the general Terms & Conditions of the SPORTIQO platform, it is hereby notified that the refund and withdrawal policy of the SPORTIQO platform shall be as follows:
- The withdrawal request of a user is processed within 5-7 working days (herein the working hours refers to bank’s working hours) excluding the date the request is made. In case, your withdrawal request is not processed within 5-7 days after the date the request is made; please check your registered email address provided by you at the time of registration for any communications from SPORTIQO.
- In an event, any SPORTIQO user is found to be violating the Fair Play Terms, or in general Terms & Conditions of the Portal then SPORTIQO at its sole and absolute discretion holds all the rights to take strict measures against the users.
- In an event a User is found to be having more than single Id registered on SPORTIQO or multiple Ids registered under the same name then the withdrawal request of such users can either be put on hold, or their user accounts can be blocked refraining them from playing further on SPORTIQO.
- Any user if ever found to be violating the Fair Play Terms of SPORTIQO which can be visited on “Fair Play”, will be either blocked from playing further on SPORTIQO or his/her withdrawal requests will be put on hold for violating the Fair Play terms.
- The withdrawals of users found to be creating a fake refer chain by creating multiple ids under the same name to earn the Refer & Earn bonus will be blocked from using SPORTIQO Services provided by the Portal alongside putting their withdrawal requests on hold.
- In an event, any user is identified to be a resident of Designated Jurisdiction amid the SPORTIQO audits and had hidden this fact while registering at the platform will be blocked, and his/her withdrawal requests will be put on hold.
- SPORTIQO could put the withdrawal requests of users violating the Fair Play terms of SPORTIQO or can block the user account at any stage amid its audits, no matter if the withdrawal requests of the user had been accepted previously.
- In case the withdrawal request of a user is kept on hold, and SPORTIQO at its sole & absolute discretion decides to process the withdrawal request of that user after he/she agrees to abide by the Fair Play Terms of SPORTIQO then such withdrawals shall take 7-10 working days to process.
- In case, we suspect any account to be violating our fair play or verification terms already stated in the Terms & Conditions of SPORTIQO; we hold all the rights to verify the user at any time. SPORTIQO holds all the rights to video call any user at any point of time to validate & verify his/her identity. If the video call done as a part of the verification process is found to be negative, then the user account shall be blocked &his withdrawal shall be put on hold. SPORTIQO is free by all means to verify & validate the identity of a user at any point of time as per its will/wish.
- In case, a user is using a single device for creating multiple accounts on SPORTIQO, it should be ensured by the user that all the mandatory verification formalities including mobile, email, PAN card & Bank Account details verification has been done by the user for all the accounts created. Abiding by the said process will help such users, who create multiple accounts on a single device, in terms of smooth withdrawals on SPORTIQO.